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健品園地 Health Supplement

營養補充品服用指引Guide to Dietary Supplements

1) 為何需要服用營養補充品?




2) 營養補充品的品質:

2.1) 來源:

2.1.1) 維他命與礦物質類:

維他命與礦物質等的營養補充品可分為三大類:人工合成 ( Synthetic )、食物基礎 ( Food-based )、全食物 ( Whole Food )。詳情請參閱筆記「天然與人工合成維他命」。



2.1.3) 製作過程:


如油類產品可能會用Hexane化學提煉劑、使用Ethylene Oxide Gas來幫草藥消毒等等。一些擁有GMP生產標準的生產商也有其某程度的保證。此外個別生產商都有自己的標準,如True Label表明樽上所列明的成份跟樽內的物質100%一樣等,規模大或有名的公司理論上是比較安全的,但不能一概而論。每一間公司都有它們的「特產」。

3) 營養補充品的果效:

3.1) 不同的人,有不同的體質,不同的需要,甚至同一人在不同時候,都有所不同,並不是同一的營養補充品對所有人都有同一果效。神造萬物,各按其時成為美好「傳3:11」,在不同的地方或氣候,神造不同的食物,滿足不同人的口味,滿足不同人或不同時候的需要,夏季跟冬季有不一樣的土產,非洲人跟愛斯基摩人有不同的飲食方法及需要。

3.2) 營養補充品並不同西藥,並不一定馬上見效,一些很快有反應,一些需要一段的時間,始終最重要的是生活習慣。在服用初期,有時可能有反效果,這可能只是排毒或治療現象,如有劇痛或嚴重不適、或持續多天的不適,請馬上停止服用,可能服用量或方法不正確,又或用了不切合你需要的產品。最重要的是,有嘔止嘔、有痛止痛、有燒止燒這些對抗性療法並不是人體天然的治療法則,所以果效需視乎情況而論。

4) 營養補充品的普遍三種包裝形式:

4.1) 膠囊或丸劑:

最為方便攜帶及服用,免除了某些成份有難入口味道的問題。為了制成丸劑,必要加入用來黏結各種效用成份的非效用物質 ( Binder or Filler ),或多了一層用作包裹的物質 ( Capsule ),所以吸收較慢。如果那些額外的物質品質不佳的話,有機會增加了某程度不良的效果,但這些情況並不常見,如使用植物性膠囊 ( Cellulose ) 比動物性膠囊 ( Gelatin ) 較好。

4.2) 粉劑:


4.3) 浸劑或液劑:

吸收最快,可保存品質最久,最常用的有酒精,其它如甘油、水、草本植物油等作為媒介而浸製成液態 ( Drawing Agent )。

5) 服用量 ( 孕婦、兒童 ):

5.1) 所有的營養補充品都應從小量開始,每日逐漸增加,直至達到理想的效果。並不是所有的營養補充品都是愈多愈好,服用過量有時甚至有危險性,每次服用前,請仔細閱讀服用指引,及按當時的身體情況而定。

5.2) 如有身孕,請小心,因不少的營養補充品都不宜孕婦服用,或份量需調節。孕婦、兒童、糖尿病患者、或其他免酒精人士應小心含高份量酒精成份的營養補充品。

5.3) 請留意,因某些營養補充品並不宜兒童服用。而兒童的服用量是以重量來釐定的,假設一個成人的標準重量是150磅,如小童重30磅,他的服用量便是一般成人服用量的五分之一,如果小童重50磅,便是三分之一,如此類推。

5.4) 同樣道理,高大肥胖體重的,比瘦弱矮小的服用份量可能需要較多,請參閱個別產品的服用指引。

6) 服用時間:

6.1) 除個別指示外,一般含豐富酵素如草汁、草本配方等都適宜在餐前服用,其它沒有說明的可餐後服用。另外,睡前不要服用比較刺激性或提神的營養補充品,如人參等;需要運用精神工作時,則不要服用幫助睡眠的產品。

6.2) 每種營養補充品分開服用會比較安全及果效較佳,可相隔約30分鐘至1小時,但這並不是絕對,混合於一起服用也不是什麼很大的問題。

7) 服用營養補充品作治療用途:

7.1) 在服用營養補充品作治療用途時,請先確定你自己出現毛病的真正原因「請參看為何需要服用營養補充品」。有時某一器官或部位有不適,並不代表一定是那器官或部位有問題,可能只是反射現象或其它原因;如有些關節毛病是因淋巴系統運作遲滯;或缺乏鈉而使鈣質失去溶性,過多固性鈣而產生骨刺;肺結核侵入脊髓骨而引起脊髓骨痛楚等。所以同一種的毛病,在十個人身上,可能有十種不同的原因。如確定了問題所在,而決定服用營養補充品作治療時,必需向這方面的知識人士查詢,清楚了解你自己真正的需要。

7.2) 當服用某些營養補充品作治療時,適應期後需要持續地服用較高的份量一段時間,才回復正常的份量。但注意!不少有強力療效的營養補充品 (如增強免疫力的,如紫椎花:一星期高份量,停一星期,繼續一星期高份量 ),連續長期服用高份量一段時間後,需有一、兩個星期的停頓,果效會更強。而某些補充品甚至不適宜長期高份量服用,必需中間有停頓時間。但只作保健用途時,長期服用適當的份量,正常是沒有問題的。

8) 正在接受傳統西方治療者:


9) 貯存:

輻射 ( 各類電器等 )、紫外光 ( 特別是那些用透明包裝的,最好的產品應用茶色玻璃包裝,玻璃是最近天然的物料 )、高溫 ( 一些產品開封後需要冷藏 )、潮濕、開封後氧化等都需盡量避免,以免影響產品質素。

1) Why we need dietary supplements?

As the name tells, dietary supplements are supplement only, not necessary. If you always rejoice in God, live in clean environment, have healthy living style, exercise properly and consume organic fresh food, you would probably be full of vitality without ailment. Actually many ailments are caused by polluted environment, bad living habit and negative emotion. For instance, the one who is easily being anxious, complaining, oversensitive will probably not sleep well, have depression and headache. Seating all the day long with wrong posture certainly causes problem of back bone, sore muscles and be exhausted. Our body has ability in self-healing and can fix many problems. We will certainly get well without any medicine as long as we mend our way of living and have a bright spirit with prayers.

As the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates said 2400 years ago:"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food" and same as the theory of Chinese Medicine does. Foods are best because they provide not only fuel and all nutrients we need but also phytonutrients to promote healing. We should get all our nutritional needs from different kinds of natural fresh foods grown in different seasons and regions. Unprocessed foods provide everything we need and they are necessary, not supplementary.

However, we live in such a world that everything has been polluted, affected by environment and other factors, or the genetic factor, accidents, contagious disease, personal factors, etc. All these issues make us need to take supplements. Remember, it is supplementary only! Living style affects your whole body and mind most. Hope everyone know exactly what he wants and needs before buying any dietary supplement.

2) The quality of dietary supplements.

2.1) Source:

2.1.1) Vitamins and Minerals:

Vitamins and minerals may be classified into three categories: Synthetic, Food-based and whole food. For detail please refer to the note “ Synthetic vs Natural Supplements”.

2.1.2) Herbs:

Herbs grown in pollution free wild area are the best and the second is certified organic. Unless the manufacturer has reputation, be careful the herbs that may contain herbicides, heavy metal, etc. It will be harm more than good.

Many commercial herbal products are extracted from some active constituents instead of the whole plant in order to minimize the cost. Therefore they are lack of balance, safety and synergy. There are numerous phytochemicals in the plants. This is just like the natural vitamin which works with different elements in harmony to the greatest effect. It is unsafe and less effective to isolate or fractionize some active constituents only.

2.1.3) Manufacturing & Processing:

The way the supplements being processed will affect the quality and effect of the final products, and most of the effects are beside the sources. Some manufacturers may use chemicals to make or process the supplements. These chemicals may not only affect the quality, also may bring some unwanted effect.

For instance, some oil products may be extracted through chemical hexane, herbs may be sterilized by Ethylene Oxide Gas, heat will destroy much value of enzymes, etc. Some manufacturers holding the certification of GMP may give you assurance in certain extent. Moreover, many manufacturers have their own standard. Some claimed the True Label that means the ingredients are completely identical to the label shown on the bottle. Every manufacturer has its own features.

3) Effect of Supplements:

3.1) Different people have different situations and needs. Everyone may have different needs in different stages, and will have different reactions to different supplements. “He hath made everything beautiful in its time” Eccl 3:11, God created different kinds of foods in different climates or regions. It is not only for different tastes but also provide different nutritional needs. The crops grown in summer are different from the ones in winter. The diet of African is different from Eskimo.

3.2) Supplements are not traditional western medicine. Sometimes it may take longer time to feel the effect. Some may get relief sooner, some take longer-no two cases are alike. In the beginning some may even have adverse reaction. It is caused “healing crisis”. If really the adverse reaction persists for extended period, please stop taking it. You may take the wrong dosage or they may not fit your needs. However, just resisting all the symptoms such as diarrhea, pain, fever are not the natural self-healing theory.

4) Three kinds of supplement forms:

4.1) Capsule or tablet:

Capsule is the most convenient form and no unpleasant problems. However, different kinds of additional materials such as binder or filler to form the tablet or encapsulated materials must be applied and these materials will affect a little bit the absorption rate. And these additional materials may pose a potential harm to you if the quality has problems but it rarely arises. For example, vegetable capsule ( Cellulose ) is better than animal capsule ( Gelatin ).

4.2) Powder:

Normally just all the active materials were ground into powder and they are more easily being assimilated. They may not easy to carry or consume comparing with capsules. Some may not find it pleasant. Powder is also subject to deterioration without protection.

4.3) Tincture:

Tincture may be the best and powerful form. It is fast acting and keeps the quality for long time. Alcohol is the most common medium, others as glycerin, water or plant oil may be used as well as a drawing agent.

5) Dosage:

5.1) All supplements should be taken from small dosage and gradually increased until the expected effect was achieved. Not all stuff is the more the better, sometimes it may be the more the worse. Please read the direction carefully first and understand your own situation before consuming.

5.2) Many supplements are not suitable for pregnant women, or the dosage have to be reduced. Pregnant women, children, anyone with the problems of diabetes, alcohol intolerance, etc, should pay attention to supplements with high content of alcohol.

5.3) Be careful that some supplements may not be suitable for children. The safest way to dose children is by weight. Simply make a fraction and put the child’s weight over 150 pounds. If a child’s weight is 50 pounds they would take 1/3 of the adult dosage.

5.4) One heavier or taller may need more dosage than the one lighter or shorter one. Please read direction carefully for each supplement.

6) Serving time:

6.1) All supplements rich in enzymes such as green juices, herbal formulas, etc should be taken before meal except special indication. Others may be taken after meal. In addition, avoid taking stimulating supplements such as ginseng before bedtime. And not to take relaxing products before doing works with high concentration.

6.2) better to take different supplements at 30 to 60 minutes interval for better absorption and effect. However, there is not the strict rule and it will not do you harm although taking them altogether.

7) Supplements used for healing:

7.1) Please indicate the exact problem you have before taking supplements for the purpose of healing, please read the point no.1 “ Why we need dietary supplements”. It may not be the case the causes come from the organs or portions that is painful or uncomfortable. It may be only the reflection or other reason. Some may come from a sluggish lymphatic system, bone spurs are caused by excessive solid calcium lack of sodium to make calcium in solution, back bone’s pain caused by TB infection there. It may be ten different reasons in ten different people for same ailment. It should make consultation from professions to locate the exact causes of problems before taking supplements for healing.

7.2) When taking some supplements for healing, high dosage may be required for an certain period after adopting it, then reduce to normal dosage. Be careful of some supplements with strong effect ( Immune stimulant, such as Echinacea: high dosage for one week, rest for one week, then high dosage for one week again. ), a few days rest after continual consuming in high dosage may be more effective for some supplements. Even some supplements have to require a break after continual consuming. Continual consuming in normal dosage will be fine.

8) Under traditional western therapy:

Please pay special attention if you are under traditional western therapy before taking supplements for healing or same purpose. Please enquire the healthcare practitioners first before making decide to choose one of them, both or other alternative. There are many side effects in traditional western medicine. Our body has ability to self-heal, only we assist him with healthy living style, diet, emotion, mind, enough exercise, rest, dietary supplements. There must be way ahead.

9) Storage:

Radiation ( home appliances ), ultraviolet ( especially the transparent container, amber glass is the best ), high temperature ( Some are required to be refrigerated ), moisture, oxidation after opening, etc, all theses factors will affect the quality.