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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 糖尿病/胰臟 Diabetes/Pancreas

糖尿病I型可能是由於自我抗體攻擊胰臟Beta細胞所致,這是自我免疫系統毛病。 Diabetes Type I may be caused by developing antibodies against the pancreatic beta cells. This is caused autoimmune disease. See Allergy /Autoimmune Disease 參過敏/自我免疫系統疾病 飲食是最重要的因素。GI值是以食物食用後2小時內血糖增加值與食用純葡萄糖的血糖增加值作比較得到的升糖指數,升糖指數越高的食物,食用後越容易使血糖升高.促使胰島素分泌增加。 高GI指數的食物快速提升胰島素、使血糖失控、渴望食甜味食物、引致體重增加。 Diet is the most important factor. The glycemic index of food is a ranking of foods based on their immediate effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. Carbohydrate foods that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest glycemic indexes. Their blood sugar response is fast and high. Carbohydrates that breakdown slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have low glycemic indexes. Foods with a high glycemic index are rapid inducers of insulin, make blood sugar control worse, a craving for sweet and lead to greater weight gain. 內分泌系統由多個生產及分泌荷爾蒙的腺體所組成,這些荷爾蒙負責調節身體的生長、新陳代謝 ( 身體的物理及化學過程 )、性發展及功能。 內分泌系統主要的腺體有下視丘、腦下垂體、甲狀腺、副甲狀腺、腎上腺、胰臟、松果腺及生殖器官 ( 卵巢及睪丸 )。 內分泌系統是人體其中一個很重要的排毒渠道,當人體肝臟中毒過深時,便會透過內分泌系統來排除毒素,以免肝臟中毒過深。不少的內分泌系統如甲狀腺、腎上腺、胰臟等出現問題,都可能跟肝臟中毒有關。由肝臟所排出的毒素會引致其它內分泌系統器官出現毛病,長久之後這些器官也會中毒。 各種內分泌系統器官嚴重患者,建議同時服用內分泌配方。 The endocrine system is made up of glands that produce and secrete hormones. These hormones regulate the body’s growth, metabolism (the physical and chemical processes of the body), and sexual development and function. The major glands of the endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreas, pineal body, and the reproductive organs (ovaries and testes). When the liver reaches a dangerous toxic level, it will attempt to eliminate the toxins through abnormal channels called vicarious elimination. This will be done by our endocrine system. Many endocrine organs such as thyroid, adrenal glands & pancreas, etc will be affected by these toxins during toxins elimination. It is best to take the endocrine formula at the same time for serious situation of different endocrine organ. See Endocrine System 參內分泌系統 See “5 Days Liver Cleansing Program” 參「五天肝/膽囊排毒程式」