健品園地 Health Supplement
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Certified Organic Sucanat by Wholesome Sweeteners
1 lb 磅HK$90
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Descriptions - 用法指引
Directions - 備註
獨立性 Uniqueness:
功效 Purpose:
成份 Ingredients:
100% Organic Pure Evaporated Cane Juice Powder. This 100% pure product contains no additives or preservatives.
詳細內容 Descriptions:
有機黑紅糖 (Sucanat) 是蔗糖裡最遠古及最自然的形態。 它的製造過程是將水份從有機黑糖蜜裡的水份以特殊的設備蒸發後產生的自然結晶體。 這個過程不但保留了糖漿,也保存了甘蔗裡所有的礦物質及維生素,因其含水量的減少,所以相對的其它濃度增加。 有機糖蜜所含的鈣、鐵、鉀的含量非常豐富,更富含維生素B1、B2、B6、B12、E及銅、鎂、磷、泛酸、肌醇等 預防糖尿病者 ,糖尿病患者可食用,不會使血糖上升。 黃糖(Brown Sugar)是提煉糖 Refined Sugar,只有調味作用,沒有營養價值,但有機黑紅糖(Organic Sucanat)卻有很高的營養價值,它保留了Molasses的成份,黃糖則沒有。 而有機黑紅糖(Organic Sucanat)是完整的食物(Whole Food) ,經過美國糖尿病協會所作的研究報告,參考資料(Journal of the American Dietetic Association, September, 1995 supplement: 95(9): A26.) Since 1968 Certified Organic Granulated Cane Sucanat is a pure evaporated cane juice powder that can be used as 1:1 replacement for refined or brown sugar. It is an organic whole food sweetener and is certified organic by QAI. Because nothing is added and only water is removed, Sucanat retains all of the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements found in the natural sugar cane plant. Sucanat is a registered trademark of NutraCane, Inc. and Now Foods is a licensed distributor of Sucanat/NutraCane.
用法指引 Directions:
備註 Remarks:
100% Organic Pure Evaporated Cane Juice Powder. This 100% pure product contains no additives or preservatives.
有機黑紅糖 (Sucanat) 是蔗糖裡最遠古及最自然的形態。 它的製造過程是將水份從有機黑糖蜜裡的水份以特殊的設備蒸發後產生的自然結晶體。 這個過程不但保留了糖漿,也保存了甘蔗裡所有的礦物質及維生素,因其含水量的減少,所以相對的其它濃度增加。 有機糖蜜所含的鈣、鐵、鉀的含量非常豐富,更富含維生素B1、B2、B6、B12、E及銅、鎂、磷、泛酸、肌醇等 預防糖尿病者 ,糖尿病患者可食用,不會使血糖上升。 黃糖(Brown Sugar)是提煉糖 Refined Sugar,只有調味作用,沒有營養價值,但有機黑紅糖(Organic Sucanat)卻有很高的營養價值,它保留了Molasses的成份,黃糖則沒有。 而有機黑紅糖(Organic Sucanat)是完整的食物(Whole Food) ,經過美國糖尿病協會所作的研究報告,參考資料(Journal of the American Dietetic Association, September, 1995 supplement: 95(9): A26.) Since 1968 Certified Organic Granulated Cane Sucanat is a pure evaporated cane juice powder that can be used as 1:1 replacement for refined or brown sugar. It is an organic whole food sweetener and is certified organic by QAI. Because nothing is added and only water is removed, Sucanat retains all of the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements found in the natural sugar cane plant. Sucanat is a registered trademark of NutraCane, Inc. and Now Foods is a licensed distributor of Sucanat/NutraCane.