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Deep Colon Cleanser by Dr Man

320 Veg Cap粒
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

全港唯一天然草本配方,不是排宿便,而是長年累月積累之『韌性膠性毒素』,Dr. Schulze的其中一個病人就排出一條長達五呎,並要用剪刀才能剪開之膠性毒素。

功效 Purpose:

深層腸道清潔。 Deep colon cleansing.

成份 Ingredients:

Organic or Wild-crafted 有機或野生
Psyllium seeds and husk 洋車前籽及殼、Bentonite Clay火山泥、Apple Pectin 蘋果果膠、Activated Charcoal 活性炭、Slippery Elm赤楡、Flax Seed亞麻籽、Marshmallow藥蜀葵、Peppermint歐薄荷。

詳細內容 Descriptions:

強力的深層腸道清潔劑,能夠將多年結硬的排便物,從腸道壁及憩室內剷除。 四種最強的腸道吸毒劑: 1) 火山泥和Kaolin Clay:是最強力的吸收劑,能吸收比原來體重逹40倍的廢物,抑制及吸走寄生蟲。 2) 蘋果果膠:擁有很強的滲透力,能從腸道中吸走無數有害的物質,特別是重金屬如鉛及水銀等,甚至是放射性致癌物鍶90。 3) 活性炭:是最有效的毒素及毒物吸收劑,所以差不多所有濾水器都使用活性炭來幫助消毒。木炭能夠吸收及轉化超過三千種的殘餘藥物、殺蟲劑及眾多的有害的化學劑。 洋車前籽及殼為可溶性纖維,此物質在咽下後,其重量會增加至九倍,於體內增加體積及刺激排泄。洋車前子含有所有食物中最豐富的天然纖維,可清腸、軟便,可防止便秘、腸炎和痔瘡,可去除對人體不好的低密度脂蛋白LDL壞膽固醇。 歐薄荷可舒緩腸道痙攣和胃氣。
Four most powerful cleansing absorbers in the world! 1) Bentonite clay & Kaolin clay absorb up to 40 times its weight in intestinal fecal matter and waste, and even intestinal parasites. 2) Apple Fruit Pectin: Draws numerous harmful substances out of intestines, especially heavy metals like mercury and lead, even carcinogenic radioactive materials like strontium 90. 3) The Activated Willow Charcoal is the greatest absorbing agent for every toxin and poison known. This is why you find charcoal inside every water filter. Our willow charcoal will absorb and render harmless over 3,000 known drug residues, pesticides, insecticides and just about every harmful chemical known. Psyllium is a soluble fiber used primarily as a gentle bulk-forming laxative. Psyllium husks play an important role in lowering cholesterol. Psyllium also softens stool and relieves constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and other intestinal problems. When psyllium husk comes in contact with water, it swells and forms a gelatinous mass that stimulates the transport of waste through the intestinal tract. Unlike wheat bran and some other fiber supplements, psyllium generally does not cause excessive gas and bloating. Peppermint may soothe intestinal spasm & stomach gas. Dr Man 傳統純草本配方-天然/強力/安全/調理 1) 100% 有機或野生植物 Organic / Wild-Crafted 2) 全植物完整抽取方法 Whole Plant Extract 3) 不含任何其它化合物 No Filler or Chemicals

用法指引 Directions:

食物中毒、吃了不潔食物、出外水土不服等,服用深層腸道清可作急救性用途,吸收毒素及寄生蟲等物質後,將它們排出體外。 不適時:深層腸道清六至十粒。緊急時可每小時一次,一天不宜服用超過50粒。 三星期腸道排毒程式: 每天空肚服用四次,每次十粒,連續服用八日。
Food poisoning, diarrhea when traveling, etc.: Deep Colon Cleanser 6 to 10 capsules. May be taken every 2 hours in acute condition, 50 is the maximum dosage daily. Three Weeks Colon Cleansing Program: Take 10 capsules four times on an empty stomach four 8 days.
Three Weeks Colon Cleansing Program 三星期腸道排毒程式 

灌腸 Colon Irritation
不少自然療法和美容界都推崇灌腸,我們可能是全港自然療法界唯一不讚成這方法之人。灌腸是將一些液體從肛門灌進腸道裡,一般短時間後再從肛門排出體外,所以被稱為『洗腸』。這方法也是只能將積累之宿便排出,真正要排出之毒素也是不太可能做到,並且會產生依賴性,腸道功能也沒有增強,最終要長期付錢洗腸,所以Dr. Christopher及Dr. Morse等都不建議用這種方法。
研究顯示灌腸不單不能改善便秘(The use of phosphate enemas in the treatment of constipation),並且會影響電解質平衡和腸道功能,對嬰兒甚至有生命危險(Arch Pediatr. 1998 Nov;5(11):1221-3.) 

備註 Remarks:

詳情請向Healthcare Professional查詢。
請參閱筆記「三星期腸道排毒程式」。 進行深層腸道清潔期間,每天需保持最少兩次的大便。
Please consult healthcare professional. Please read the note on “Three Weeks Colon Cleansing Program.” At least twice bowel movement is required during Deep Colon Cleansing. 

全港唯一天然草本配方,不是排宿便,而是長年累月積累之『韌性膠性毒素』,Dr. Schulze的其中一個病人就排出一條長達五呎,並要用剪刀才能剪開之膠性毒素。

深層腸道清潔。 Deep colon cleansing.

Organic or Wild-crafted 有機或野生
Psyllium seeds and husk 洋車前籽及殼、Bentonite Clay火山泥、Apple Pectin 蘋果果膠、Activated Charcoal 活性炭、Slippery Elm赤楡、Flax Seed亞麻籽、Marshmallow藥蜀葵、Peppermint歐薄荷。

強力的深層腸道清潔劑,能夠將多年結硬的排便物,從腸道壁及憩室內剷除。 四種最強的腸道吸毒劑: 1) 火山泥和Kaolin Clay:是最強力的吸收劑,能吸收比原來體重逹40倍的廢物,抑制及吸走寄生蟲。 2) 蘋果果膠:擁有很強的滲透力,能從腸道中吸走無數有害的物質,特別是重金屬如鉛及水銀等,甚至是放射性致癌物鍶90。 3) 活性炭:是最有效的毒素及毒物吸收劑,所以差不多所有濾水器都使用活性炭來幫助消毒。木炭能夠吸收及轉化超過三千種的殘餘藥物、殺蟲劑及眾多的有害的化學劑。 洋車前籽及殼為可溶性纖維,此物質在咽下後,其重量會增加至九倍,於體內增加體積及刺激排泄。洋車前子含有所有食物中最豐富的天然纖維,可清腸、軟便,可防止便秘、腸炎和痔瘡,可去除對人體不好的低密度脂蛋白LDL壞膽固醇。 歐薄荷可舒緩腸道痙攣和胃氣。
Four most powerful cleansing absorbers in the world! 1) Bentonite clay & Kaolin clay absorb up to 40 times its weight in intestinal fecal matter and waste, and even intestinal parasites. 2) Apple Fruit Pectin: Draws numerous harmful substances out of intestines, especially heavy metals like mercury and lead, even carcinogenic radioactive materials like strontium 90. 3) The Activated Willow Charcoal is the greatest absorbing agent for every toxin and poison known. This is why you find charcoal inside every water filter. Our willow charcoal will absorb and render harmless over 3,000 known drug residues, pesticides, insecticides and just about every harmful chemical known. Psyllium is a soluble fiber used primarily as a gentle bulk-forming laxative. Psyllium husks play an important role in lowering cholesterol. Psyllium also softens stool and relieves constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and other intestinal problems. When psyllium husk comes in contact with water, it swells and forms a gelatinous mass that stimulates the transport of waste through the intestinal tract. Unlike wheat bran and some other fiber supplements, psyllium generally does not cause excessive gas and bloating. Peppermint may soothe intestinal spasm & stomach gas. Dr Man 傳統純草本配方-天然/強力/安全/調理 1) 100% 有機或野生植物 Organic / Wild-Crafted 2) 全植物完整抽取方法 Whole Plant Extract 3) 不含任何其它化合物 No Filler or Chemicals

食物中毒、吃了不潔食物、出外水土不服等,服用深層腸道清可作急救性用途,吸收毒素及寄生蟲等物質後,將它們排出體外。 不適時:深層腸道清六至十粒。緊急時可每小時一次,一天不宜服用超過50粒。 三星期腸道排毒程式: 每天空肚服用四次,每次十粒,連續服用八日。
Food poisoning, diarrhea when traveling, etc.: Deep Colon Cleanser 6 to 10 capsules. May be taken every 2 hours in acute condition, 50 is the maximum dosage daily. Three Weeks Colon Cleansing Program: Take 10 capsules four times on an empty stomach four 8 days.
Three Weeks Colon Cleansing Program 三星期腸道排毒程式 

灌腸 Colon Irritation
不少自然療法和美容界都推崇灌腸,我們可能是全港自然療法界唯一不讚成這方法之人。灌腸是將一些液體從肛門灌進腸道裡,一般短時間後再從肛門排出體外,所以被稱為『洗腸』。這方法也是只能將積累之宿便排出,真正要排出之毒素也是不太可能做到,並且會產生依賴性,腸道功能也沒有增強,最終要長期付錢洗腸,所以Dr. Christopher及Dr. Morse等都不建議用這種方法。
研究顯示灌腸不單不能改善便秘(The use of phosphate enemas in the treatment of constipation),並且會影響電解質平衡和腸道功能,對嬰兒甚至有生命危險(Arch Pediatr. 1998 Nov;5(11):1221-3.) 

詳情請向Healthcare Professional查詢。
請參閱筆記「三星期腸道排毒程式」。 進行深層腸道清潔期間,每天需保持最少兩次的大便。
Please consult healthcare professional. Please read the note on “Three Weeks Colon Cleansing Program.” At least twice bowel movement is required during Deep Colon Cleansing. 

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