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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 體重管理 Weight Management

恆常運動才是最有效和最安全的減少脂肪方法。 飲食影響體重最大,蔬果汁或蔬果餐是最有益的減肥餐,但切記勿將蔬菜和水果混合於一起進食。 正常的內分泌系統有助促進新陳代謝來幫助燒脂。 Regular exercise is the best and safest way to reduce fat. Diet affects the body weight most. Vegetable & fruit juices or meal is the healthiest diet. Remember to separate the vegetable and fruit in the same meal. Normal endocrine system promotes metabolism to burn fat. See Endocrine System 參內分泌系統