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健認園地 Health Accreditation

澳洲國家草本療法醫生協會 The National Herbalists Association of Australia: NHAA 成立於1920年,是全球歷史第二最悠久、但擁有全球最多的專業草本療法醫師的草本治療醫學協會,擁有超過760名的草本療法醫師,是澳洲國家唯一認可的專業草本療法醫生協會,也是全澳洲歷史最悠久的自然治療體系學會,於澳洲是合法的醫療及醫學機構。
完成『自然療法專業文憑Professional Diploma in Natural Healing』者可嘗試自行向NHAA申請成為『伙伴會員Companion Member』。
完成『自然醫學學士學位者Bachelor of Science in Natural Healing』者可嘗試自行向NHAA申請成為『全會員Full Member』

Founded in 1920, the National Herbalists Association of Australia is the oldest natural therapies association in Australia, and the only national professional body of medical herbalists.

Our main aims are:

To promote, protect and encourage the study, practice and knowledge of medical herbalism
To disseminate such knowledge by talks, seminars, and publications
To encourage the highest ideals of professional and ethical standards

Herbal medicine remains the oldest and most used form of medicine on the planet today. Every culture on the planet has their own herbal medicine system. The modern herbalist may utilise medicinal plants from all over the world, in the context of a health philosophy incorporating modern and traditional concepts and knowledge.

自然療法認證委會員 Natural Therapies Certification Board: NTCB 為北美區的自然療法認證組織,認證各類別的治療師和教育機構。
完成『自然療法專業文憑Professional Diploma in Natural Healing』者可嘗試自行向NTCB申請成為『傳統自然療師Traditional Naturopath』,需加上實習時間。

The Natural Therapies Certification Board (NTCB) certifies qualified apprentices, technicians, specialists, coaches and instructors. Quantum specialists, biofeedback specialists, neurotherapists, nutritionists, aromatherapists, and acupressurists are just a few types that we certify in accordance to strict industry standards and in compliance with our professional and ethical code of conduct. Types of Certification provides you with a more comprehensive listing of natural therapy modalities that the NTCB certifies.

In addition to the benefits of being certified through the NTCB, NTCB publishes a monthly newsletter to advise you of important news and events affecting the natural therapies industry. Learn more in the Articles, News, and Other Information section of this website.

英國草本治療醫學協會The British Herbal Medicine Association: BHMA 成立於1962年,BHMA向英國政府及歐洲各國等提供專業的草本治療醫學資料及建議,是英國的合法醫療團體,BHMA是全歐洲草本治療醫學共同體European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) 的英國代表,並代表ESCOP的秘書工作。
完成『自然療法專業文憑Professional Diploma in Natural Healing』者可嘗試自行向BHMA申請成為『專業會員Professional Member』,即認可的Herbalist草本療師。

The British Herbal Medicine Association (BHMA) was founded in 1964 to advance the science and practice of herbal medicine in the United Kingdom and to ensure its continued statutory recognition at a time when all medicines were becoming subject to greater regulatory control. It is worth noting that the BHMA was established on the principle that herbal remedies are medicines under UK law, and should be produced to medicine requirements for quality, safety and efficacy, rather than to lesser requirements for "dietary supplements" or healthfoods.

Following the Medicines Act 1968 the legislative requirements for herbal medicines increased substantially. During the 1980s, as part of the EC Review of Medicines, all UK medicine manufacturers were required to complete a thorough technical appraisal of their products and to provide evidence on quality, safety and efficacy to the Medicines Control Agency on behalf of the Department of Health. Around 600 herbal products emerged from this rigorous review with full medicine product licences and with their claims for efficacy accepted by the government. (They can be identified on the product pack by a "PL" number). In addition there are a larger number of herb products that are supplied as herbal medicines exempt from licensing under the terms of the Medicines Act, provided that they contain herbs only, have no brand names and that no medicinal claims are made for the products. In addition to many herbal products available directly to the public, herbal practitioners also supply their medicines under these terms.

In 1998 the BHMA developed a Code of Practice for the production of herbal medicines exempt from licensing that all its members have signed up to. In effect this means that BHMA members are committed to producing all their herbal medicines to the same pharmaceutical standards of quality that are required for licensed medicines. In the absence of legally binding quality standards for the production of herbal medicines exempt from licensing, the BHMA Code is the main assurance to the public that herbal products can be safe and efficacious. The Medicines Control Agency has welcomed the BHMA Code as an important contribution to its work in regulating herbal medicines.

From its foundation the BHMA has provided important scientific information to health professions, the herbal industry and to the public. Notably from the 1970's it has produced the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia (latest edition 1996), recognised in the UK and in many countries around the world as the leading reference on the scientific definition of herbal medicines to complement official drug pharmacopoeias. To complement the BHP the BHMA has also published the British Herbal Compendium of therapeutic information on plants listed in the pharmacopoeia, and has substantial new publications in progress.

The BHMA is the UK representative of (and provides the Secretariat for) the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) the body that has become recognised by the European Medicines Agency as providing the leading scientific resources on the therapeutic use of herbal medicinal products in the European Union. Harmonised European medicine dossiers based on submissions by ESCOP will soon be published by the European Medicines Agency.

Members of the BHMA include companies involved in the manufacture or supply of herbal medicines, herbal practitioners, academics, pharmacists, students of phytotherapy and others. The BHMA has supported these members with advice and comments on legislation and labelling from the beginning. However the BHMA is not able to provide individual clinical advice to members of the public and refers enquiries to members of the main professional associations of herbal practitioners. In the UK tradition the leading professional groups, now with University degree-level education, are the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy (CPP) and the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH). Practitioner members of these bodies can be identified, in Yellow Pages and other listings of herbal practitioners, by the letters MCPP, FCPP, MNIMH or FNIMH after their names.

美國自然療法醫學會 American Naturopathic Medical Association ANMA ANMA是全球最具規模也是美國最大及歷代最悠久的自然醫學執業協會,創立於公元1981年, ANMA之成員遍佈全美各州及加拿大等區域,並與各州立的發照及登記委員會合作,提供自然醫療醫師之認證及促進自然醫療師的地位,此外ANMA亦協助、指導、支持與支援有意之大學院所提供自然醫學課程。ANMA近來已演變成一國際性之自然醫學組織,其海外會員有來自瑞士、義大利、英國、以色列、日本、澳洲、中華民國等十四個國家。
完成『自然療法專業文憑Professional Diploma in Natural Healing』者可嘗試自行向ANMA申請成為『會員Member』。
合格取得學士學位或以上者可嘗試自行向 ANMA申請成為『專業會員Professional Member』

Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Founded in 1981, ANMA is a nonprofit, scientific, educational, organization, dedicated to exploring new frontiers of mind, body, medicine and health. ANMA has a nondiscriminatory policy, with membership open to individuals with Doctor of Naturopathy (N.D.) or Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (N.M.D.), as well as other health care fields. Some of our members hold other medical degrees: M.D., D.O., D.D.S., O.M.D., H.M.D., and D.C. All of our members have a strong commitment to the philosophy, art and science, of natural therapeutics. They subscribe to the motto "Doctor do no harm".

With approximately 4,000 members in the United States, Canada, and fourteen foreign countries ANMA is the largest professional naturopathic medical association in America today. Membership in this organization provides many benefits. First and foremost, ANMA monitors legislation that would favor special interest groups and prevent you from practicing.

ANMA schedules an annual convention providing excellent continuing medical education. Presenters come from around the world sharing their knowledge and experience in medicine. Each year at least one or more of the state licensing boards have awarded ANMA medical credits. New product research is presented, along with methods to achieve optimum success in treatment. The annual convention and educational seminar offers you an opportunity to meet colleagues, and form valuable supportive friendships with others sharing your views. As a member of ANMA you will receive discounts to attend these educational seminars. Because ANMA is the leader in the field of naturopathic medicine, we are recognized by the World Organization for Alternative Medicine as the primary organization representing naturopathic medicine in the United States.

美國整全健康協會 American Holistic Health Association: AHHA AHHA成立於1989年,由兩大整全醫學組織合併而成,以將整全醫學免費帶給市民為目的。
完成『自然療法證書 Certificate in Natural Healing』者可嘗試自行向AHHA申請成為『治療師Practitioner Member』。

The American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) is the leading national resource connecting people with vital solutions for reaching a higher level of wellness. We want you to enjoy an enhanced quality of life with vitality, enthusiasm, confidence and self-worth.

Creating wellness is an ongoing process. Wherever you are on this path, AHHA (pronounced ah-ha) assists you to become more informed about the many options available in the health care arena today. Then, you can explore those that feel appropriate for you and your situation.

Mission Statement
The American Holistic Health Association is dedicated to promoting holistic principles: honoring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging people to actively participate in their own health and healthcare.

美國自然醫學認證局 The American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB)

The American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) is a non-profit worldwide organization registered in Washington, DC, that administers certification for natural health care professionals. The mission of the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board has been, first and foremost, protection of the health and welfare of the public.

美國自然醫學認證委員會American Naturopathic Certification Board: ANCB American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board: ANMAB 原本全名為American Naturopathic Medical Certification and Accreditation Board: ANMCAB,成立於1978年,是美國傳統自然療法Traditional Naturopathy最具權威的學術機構,因面對社會需求和清晰其專業工作關系,ANMCAB於2003年分為兩個專業機構,一) American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board: ANMAB,負責傳統自然療法教學組織的學術認證Accreditation,二) American Naturopathic Certification Board: ANCB,負責傳統自然療法醫師的個人專業認證Certification: Certified Traditional Naturopath。

ANCB 可算是美國傳統自然療法醫師最具權威的認證機構。考核者的學歷證明經認可後才能接受考核的申請,所有經ANMAB認可的學院都合資格參加考核,其它的學院則需ANCB的審批。

合格取得博士學位者可向ANCB申請報考『會試Board Examination』,成功考核後可成為『認可傳統自然療師Certified Traditional Naturopath: CTN』。

ANCB's Organizational History

Up until 2003, Naturopathic Certifications were issued by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification and Accreditation Board (ANMCAB). This group dissolved in 2003, giving rise to two separate organizations:

1) ANCB — the American Naturopathic Certification Board, and

2) ANMAB — the American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board (visit them at

ANCB Today

As the original certification board for Traditional Naturopathy, ANCB developed nationally validated exams for naturopathic and nutritional wellness professionals. Due to ANCB's stringent application and certification requirements, ANCB is the certification organization preferred and recommended by the leading schools of Traditional Naturopathy, including Clayton College of Natural Health and Trinity College of Natural Health.

ANCB offers professional certification in Traditional Naturopathy (CTN) and Nutritional Wellness (CNW), and we work to increase the visibility and credibility of these vital health services.

ANCB's Advisory Board provides valuable assistance in areas such as organizational direction, outreach and standards. Our certified practitioners offer services in virtually all naturopathic modalities.

澳洲自然療師協會 Australia Naturopathic Practitioners Association ANPA為澳洲政府認可的醫學機構,是全澳洲最具歷史的自然療師學會。
完成『自然醫學學士學位者Bachelor of Science in Natural Healing』者可嘗試自行向ANPA申請成為『全會員Full Member』
The Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association is an association for Naturopaths Australia Wide. The ANPA was founded in 1975 and is the longest standing association of Naturopathy in Australia.